WebRTC peer-to-peer

Date: 2022-03-29
What is WebRTC and how is it used?


/ handles JSON.stringify/parse
const signaling = new SignalingChannel();
const constraints = {audio: true, video: true};
const configuration = {iceServers: [{urls: 'stuns:stun.example.org'}]};
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);

// Send any ice candidates to the other peer.
pc.onicecandidate = ({candidate}) => signaling.send({candidate});

// Let the "negotiationneeded" event trigger offer generation.
pc.onnegotiationneeded = async () => {
  try {
    await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createOffer());
    // Send the offer to the other peer.
    signaling.send({desc: pc.localDescription});
  } catch (err) {

// Once remote track media arrives, show it in remote video element.
pc.ontrack = (event) => {
  // Don't set srcObject again if it is already set.
  if (remoteView.srcObject) return;
  remoteView.srcObject = event.streams[0];

// Call start() to initiate.
async function start() {
  try {
    // Get local stream, show it in self-view, and add it to be sent.
    const stream =
      await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
    stream.getTracks().forEach((track) =>
      pc.addTrack(track, stream));
    selfView.srcObject = stream;
  } catch (err) {

signaling.onmessage = async ({desc, candidate}) => {
  try {
    if (desc) {
      // If you get an offer, you need to reply with an answer.
      if (desc.type === 'offer') {
        await pc.setRemoteDescription(desc);
        const stream =
          await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
        stream.getTracks().forEach((track) =>
          pc.addTrack(track, stream));
        await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createAnswer());
        signaling.send({desc: pc.localDescription});
      } else if (desc.type === 'answer') {
        await pc.setRemoteDescription(desc);
      } else {
        console.log('Unsupported SDP type.');
    } else if (candidate) {
      await pc.addIceCandidate(candidate);
  } catch (err) {


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