Base source:
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class UFI { public const string b31chars = "0123456789ACDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXY"; private static int CalculateChecksum(string ufi) { if (ufi.Length > 15) ufi = ufi.Substring(1); var weightedSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) weightedSum += (i + 2) * b31chars.IndexOf(ufi[i]); return (31 - weightedSum % 31) % 31; } public static bool IsUfiValid(string ufi) { ufi = Regex.Replace(ufi?.Trim(), "\\-", ""); // remove dashes if (ufi.Length != 16) return false; // check length if (!ufi.All(c => b31chars.Contains(c))) return false; // check characters var checksum = b31chars.IndexOf(ufi[0]); // checksum (value/index of first character) var calculatedChecksum = CalculateChecksum(ufi); // calculate checksum return checksum == calculatedChecksum; } public static string GenerateUFI(string VAT, int formulation) { if (VAT.Length == 0) return ""; //2.1.1 Step 1 – UFI payload numerical value string countryCodeIso3166 = GetCountryCodeISO3166(VAT); long vatLong = VatToNumber(VAT, countryCodeIso3166); BitArray group = GetCountryGroup(countryCodeIso3166); BitArray country = GetCountryCode(countryCodeIso3166); BitArray vatn = VatNumberBits(vatLong, countryCodeIso3166); BitArray formulationN = formulation.ToBinary(28); BitArray togetherStep1 = 0.ToBinary(1).Append(vatn).Append(country).Append(group).Append(formulationN); //2.1.2 Step 2 – UFI payload in base-31 string decimalPayloadString = BinToDec(togetherStep1.ToDigitString()); BigInteger payload = BigInteger.Parse(decimalPayloadString); string base31PayloadStep2 = BigIntegerToStringBaseX(payload, b31chars).PadLeft(15, '0'); //2.1.3 Step 3 – Character reorganisation string reorganisedStep3 = CharacterReorganisation(base31PayloadStep2); //2.1.4 Step 4 – Checksum calculation int checkSum = CalculateChecksum(reorganisedStep3); // checksum ervoor string UFIPlainStep4 = $"{b31chars[checkSum]}{reorganisedStep3}"; // streepjes ertussen return Regex.Replace(UFIPlainStep4, @"^(....)(....)(....)(....)$", "$1-$2-$3-$4"); } public static void ReverseUFI(string ufi) { if (!IsUfiValid(ufi)) throw new Exception("UFI code is invalid"); // remove dashes ufi = Regex.Replace(ufi?.Trim(), "\\-", ""); // remove first character ufi = ufi.Substring(1); // backwards character reorganisation var reversed = ReverseCharacterReorganisation(ufi); // unbase 31 var bigInt = StringBaseXToBigInteger(reversed, b31chars); // convert to base2, pad to 74 characters var binary = ToNBase(bigInt, 2).PadLeft(74, '0'); // split binary parts var parts = SplitSizes(binary, 28, 4, 7, 34, 1); // convert binary to decimal var formulationN = BinaryToDecimal(parts[0]); var countryGroup = BinaryToDecimal(parts[1]); var country = BinaryToDecimal(parts[2]); var vatnr = BinaryToDecimal(parts[3]); Console.WriteLine($"{countryGroup}; {country}; {vatnr}; {formulationN}"); } public static string[] SplitSizes(string str, params int[] sizes) { var length = sizes.Length; var parts = new string[length]; var start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { parts[i] = str.Substring(start, sizes[i]); start += sizes[i]; } return parts; } public static BigInteger BinaryToDecimal(string binary) => StringBaseXToBigInteger(binary, "01"); public static string ToNBase(BigInteger a, int n) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); while (a > 0) { sb.Insert(0, a % n); a /= n; } return sb.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Table 2-2: Rules for VAT number conversion to numerical value /// </summary> /// <param name="VAT"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static long VatToNumber(string VAT, string Country) { switch (Country) { case "CY": return VatToNumberCy(VAT); case "ES": return VatToNumberEs(VAT); case "FR": return VatToNumberFr(VAT); case "GB": return VatToNumberGb(VAT); case "IE": return VatToNumberIe(VAT); case "IS": return VatToNumberIs(VAT); default: string justNumbers = new string(VAT.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); long.TryParse(justNumbers, out long n); return n; } } private static long VatToNumberCy(string VAT) { string decimalPart = VAT.Substring(2, 8); char letter = VAT.Substring(10, 1)[0]; int letterIndex = LetterNumberCyGb(letter); long letterPart = letterIndex * (long)Math.Pow(10, 8); return letterPart + Convert.ToInt64(decimalPart); } internal static long VatToNumberEs(string VAT) { string decimalPart = VAT.Substring(3, 7); int c1 = LetterNumberEsFrIs(VAT.Substring(2, 1)[0]); int c2 = LetterNumberEsFrIs(VAT.Substring(10, 1)[0]); long letterPart = (36 * c1 + c2) * (long)Math.Pow(10, 7); return letterPart + Convert.ToInt64(decimalPart); } internal static long VatToNumberFr(string VAT) { //FRAB123456789 string decimalPart = VAT.Substring(4, 9); int c1 = LetterNumberEsFrIs(VAT.Substring(2, 1)[0]); int c2 = LetterNumberEsFrIs(VAT.Substring(3, 1)[0]); long letterPart = (36 * c1 + c2) * (long)Math.Pow(10, 9); return letterPart + Convert.ToInt64(decimalPart); } internal static long VatToNumberGb(string VAT) { //GB123456789012 or GBAB123 string justNumbers = new string(VAT.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); long.TryParse(justNumbers, out long n); if (VAT.Length == 7) { int c1 = LetterNumberCyGb(VAT.Substring(2, 1)[0]); int c2 = LetterNumberCyGb(VAT.Substring(3, 1)[0]); long letterPart = (26 * c1 + c2) * (long)Math.Pow(10, 3); return letterPart + n; } else { return (long)Math.Pow(2, 40) + n; } } internal static long VatToNumberIe(string VAT) { Regex regexA = new Regex("[0-9][A-Z*+][0-9]{5}[A-Z]"); Match matchA = regexA.Match(VAT); if (matchA.Success) { //"IE9*54321Y" string d = VAT.Substring(2, 1) + VAT.Substring(VAT.Length - 6, 5); int c1 = LetterNumberIe(VAT.Substring(3, 1)[0]); int c2 = LetterNumberIe(VAT.Substring(VAT.Length - 1, 1)[0]); long letterPart = (26 * c1 + c2) * (long)Math.Pow(10, 6); return letterPart + Convert.ToInt64(d); } else { //IE9876543Z string justNumbers = new string(VAT.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); long.TryParse(justNumbers, out long N); int c1 = LetterNumberCyGb(VAT.Substring(9, 1)[0]); int c2 = 0; if (VAT.Length == 11) c2 = LetterNumberCyGb(VAT.Substring(10, 1)[0]); return ((long)Math.Pow(2, 33) + ((26 * c2 + c1) * (long)Math.Pow(10, 7) + Convert.ToInt64(N))); } } internal static long VatToNumberIs(string VAT) { //ISAB3D5F long VN = 0; char l1 = VAT.Substring(7, 1)[0]; char l2 = VAT.Substring(6, 1)[0]; char l3 = VAT.Substring(5, 1)[0]; char l4 = VAT.Substring(4, 1)[0]; char l5 = VAT.Substring(3, 1)[0]; char l6 = VAT.Substring(2, 1)[0]; VN += 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * LetterNumberEsFrIs(l6); VN += 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * LetterNumberEsFrIs(l5); VN += 36 * 36 *36 * LetterNumberEsFrIs(l4); VN += 36 * 36 * LetterNumberEsFrIs(l3); VN += 36 * LetterNumberEsFrIs(l2); VN += LetterNumberEsFrIs(l1); return VN; } private static int LetterNumberIe(char c) { if (c == '+') return 26; if (c == '*') return 27; return char.ToUpper(c) - 65; } private static int LetterNumberCyGb(char c) { return char.ToUpper(c) - 65; } internal static int LetterNumberEsFrIs(char c) { if (char.IsDigit(c)) return (int)char.GetNumericValue(c); return char.ToUpper(c) - 55; } static BitArray VatNumberBits(long VAT, string countryCode) { return VAT.ToBinary(41 - GetBitsCount(countryCode)); } private static readonly int[] mapping = new int[] { 5, 4, 3, 7, 2, 8, 9, 10, 1, 0, 11, 6, 12, 13, 14 }; private static readonly int[] reverseMapping = new int[] { 9, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0, 11, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14 }; private static string CharacterReorganisation(string b31) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) sb.Append(b31[mapping[i]]); return sb.ToString(); } private static string ReverseCharacterReorganisation(string b31) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) sb.Append(b31[reverseMapping[i]]); return sb.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Binary string to decimal string /// 0101 => 5 /// </summary> private static string BinToDec(string value) { BigInteger res = 0; foreach (char c in value) { res <<= 1; res += c == '1' ? 1 : 0; } return res.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// BigInteger to any base string /// </summary> private static string BigIntegerToStringBaseX(BigInteger value, string baseChars) { string result = string.Empty; int targetBase = baseChars.Length; do { result = baseChars[(int)(value % targetBase)] + result; value /= targetBase; } while (value > 0); return result; } private static BigInteger StringBaseXToBigInteger(string ufi, string baseChars) { BigInteger value = 0; var currentBase = baseChars.Length; var reversed = ufi.Reverse().ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < reversed.Count; i++) { var baseValue = baseChars.IndexOf(reversed[i]); var digitValue = BigInteger.Pow(new BigInteger(currentBase), i); value += digitValue * baseValue; } return value; } private static BitArray GetCountryGroup(string countryCode) { switch (countryCode) { case "": return 0.ToBinary(4); case "FR": return 1.ToBinary(4); case "GB": return 2.ToBinary(4); case "LT": case "SE": return 3.ToBinary(4); case "HR": case "IT": case "LV": case "NL": return 4.ToBinary(4); default: return 5.ToBinary(4); } } private static int GetBitsCount(string countryCode) { switch (countryCode) { case "": case "FR": case "GB": return 0; case "LT": case "SE": return 1; case "HR": case "IT": case "LV": case "NL": return 4; default: return 7; } } private static BitArray GetCountryCode(string countryCode) { switch (countryCode) { default: case "": case "FR": case "GB": return new BitArray(0); case "LT": return 0.ToBinary(1); case "SE": return 1.ToBinary(1); case "HR": return 0.ToBinary(4); case "IT": return 1.ToBinary(4); case "LV": return 2.ToBinary(4); case "NL": return 3.ToBinary(4); case "BG": return 0.ToBinary(7); case "CZ": return 1.ToBinary(7); case "IE": return 2.ToBinary(7); case "ES": return 3.ToBinary(7); case "PL": return 4.ToBinary(7); case "RO": return 5.ToBinary(7); case "SK": return 6.ToBinary(7); case "CY": return 7.ToBinary(7); case "IS": return 8.ToBinary(7); case "BE": return 9.ToBinary(7); case "DE": return 10.ToBinary(7); case "EE": return 11.ToBinary(7); case "GR": return 12.ToBinary(7); case "NO": return 13.ToBinary(7); case "PT": return 14.ToBinary(7); case "AT": return 15.ToBinary(7); case "DK": return 16.ToBinary(7); case "FI": return 17.ToBinary(7); case "HU": return 18.ToBinary(7); case "LU": return 19.ToBinary(7); case "MT": return 20.ToBinary(7); case "SI": return 21.ToBinary(7); case "LI": return 22.ToBinary(7); } } /// <summary> /// Uppercase ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes from VAT /// </summary> /// <param name="VAT"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetCountryCodeISO3166(string VAT) { if (VAT.Length == 0) return ""; if (char.IsDigit(VAT[0])) return ""; string code = VAT.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper(); if (code == "EL") code = "GR"; return code; } }
public static class Extensions { public static string ToDigitString(this BitArray array) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (bool bit in array.Cast<bool>()) builder.Append(bit ? "1" : "0"); return Reverse(builder.ToString()); } private static string Reverse(string s) { char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(charArray); return new string(charArray); } public static BitArray Append(this BitArray current, BitArray after) { bool[] bools = new bool[current.Count + after.Count]; current.CopyTo(bools, 0); after.CopyTo(bools, current.Count); return new BitArray(bools); } public static BitArray ToBinary(this int numeral, int bitCount) { BitArray binary = new BitArray(new[] { numeral }) { Length = bitCount }; return binary; } public static BitArray ToBinary(this long numeral, int bitCount) { BitArray binary = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(numeral)) { Length = bitCount }; return binary; } }
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