LaTeX example

Date: 2018-10-25

\author{Niels Kooiman}
\title{Writing an advanced report}




\chapter{First chapter}

\section{Eerste sectie}
Text inside document

But you can simply supply a footnote\footnote{Like this example} 

Also you can easily create a list
Like so:
\item First item
\item Second item
\item Third item

Or enumerate a list

\item First item
\item Second item
\item Third item

Or a descriptive list

\item[Sample] Example item
\item[Unit] Example unit

\section{Tweede sectie}

a special paragraph

Some text and a 
\texttt{lot more words to come here.}


\label{Mijn label} 

Label \dots

Of een citaat:

Een leuke functie

$\sum length=\sqrt{ a^{2} + b^{2} + c^{2} }$

$\int\limits_a^b e=m\times c^{2}$

%\cite{Mijn label} 

\chapter{Second chapter}

\section{Eerste sectie}
Text inside document

But you can simply supply a footnote\footnote{Like this example} 

\section{Tweede sectie}

\chapter{Third chapter}

\section{Eerste sectie}
Text inside document

But you can simply supply a footnote\footnote{Like this example} 

\section{Tweede sectie}



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