const $ = require('jquery'); let snapToGrid = false; let snapToRatio = true; function snap(v, gridSize) { return gridSize * Math.floor((v / gridSize) + 0.5); } function snap2grid(handle) { if (snapToGrid) { let $target = handle.$target; let $container = handle.$container; let gx = $container.width() / 100; let gy = $container.height() / 100; let offset = $target.offset(); $target.offset({ left: snap(offset.left, gx), top: snap(, gy) }); $target.width(snap($target.width(), gx)); $target.height(snap($target.height(), gy)); //console.log({width: $target.width() / gx, height: $target.height() / gy }); } } function snap2ratio(handle, newWidth, newHeight) { if (snapToRatio) { let ratio = handle.ratio; let newRatio = (newWidth / newHeight); if (ratio > newRatio) { newHeight = (newWidth * handle.height) / handle.width; } else { newWidth = (newHeight * handle.width) / handle.height; } } return { width: newWidth, height: newHeight }; } function sizeX(handle, e) { let width = Math.max(e.pageX - handle.pX + handle.width, 0); return width; } function sizeY(handle, e) { let height = Math.max(e.pageY - handle.pY + handle.height, 0); return height; } function sizeXNeg(handle, e) { let width = Math.max(handle.width - (e.pageX - handle.pX), 0); return width; } function sizeYNeg(handle, e) { let height = Math.max(handle.height - (e.pageY - handle.pY), 0); return height; } function handleDrag(handle, e) { handle.$target.offset({ left: handle.tx, top: handle.ty }); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_SouthEast(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeX(handle, e); let targetHeight = sizeY(handle, e); let snapped = snap2ratio(handle, targetWidth, targetHeight); handle.$target.width(snapped.width); handle.$target.height(snapped.height); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_South(handle, e) { let targetHeight = sizeY(handle, e); handle.$target.height(targetHeight); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_SouthWest(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeXNeg(handle, e); let targetHeight = sizeY(handle, e); let snapped = snap2ratio(handle, targetWidth, targetHeight); // anchors are top and right let right = handle.$target.offset().left + handle.$target.width(); handle.$target.offset({ left: (right - snapped.width) }); handle.$target.width(snapped.width); handle.$target.height(snapped.height); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_West(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeXNeg(handle, e); handle.$target.offset({ left: handle.tx }); handle.$target.width(targetWidth); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_NorthWest(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeXNeg(handle, e); let targetHeight = sizeYNeg(handle, e); let snapped = snap2ratio(handle, targetWidth, targetHeight); // anchors are bottom and right let bottom = handle.$target.offset().top + handle.$target.height(); let right = handle.$target.offset().left + handle.$target.width(); handle.$target.offset({ left: (right - snapped.width), top: (bottom - snapped.height) }); handle.$target.width(snapped.width); handle.$target.height(snapped.height); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_North(handle, e) { let targetHeight = sizeYNeg(handle, e); handle.$target.offset({ top: handle.ty }); handle.$target.height(targetHeight); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_NorthEast(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeX(handle, e); let targetHeight = sizeYNeg(handle, e); let snapped = snap2ratio(handle, targetWidth, targetHeight); // anchors are bottom and left let bottom = handle.$target.offset().top + handle.$target.height(); //let left = handle.$target.offset().left+handle.$target.width(); handle.$target.offset({ top: (bottom - snapped.height) }); handle.$target.width(snapped.width); handle.$target.height(snapped.height); snap2grid(handle); } function handleResize_East(handle, e) { let targetWidth = sizeX(handle, e); handle.$target.width(targetWidth); snap2grid(handle); } // Example: InteractiveBox( $('.box'), [ $e: element, move: handleDrag ] ); function InteractiveBox($e, handles, callback, $container) { let self = this; self.$target = $e; self.handles = handles; self.$container = $container || $(window); self.callback = callback; self.mouseUpTimeout = null; self.$document = $(self.$target[0].ownerDocument); function registerHandle(handle) { = false; handle.$target = self.$target; handle.$container = self.$container; handle.$e.mousedown( function(e) { = true; let p = handle.$target.offset(); //position(); handle.x = p.left; handle.y =; handle.width = handle.$target.width(); handle.height = handle.$target.height(); handle.ratio = handle.width / handle.height; handle.pX = e.pageX; handle.pY = e.pageY; if (handle.start) { handle.start(handle, e); } e.stopPropagation(); }); handle.mouseMove = function(e) { if ( && handle.move) { snapToGrid = e.ctrlKey; snapToRatio = e.shiftKey ? false : true; handle.tx = handle.x + e.pageX - handle.pX; handle.ty = handle.y + e.pageY - handle.pY; handle.move(handle, e); // drag or resize target (x, y or xy) } e.stopPropagation(); }; handle.mouseUp = function(e) { = false; if (handle.stop) { handle.stop(handle, e); } if (self.callback) { clearTimeout(self.mouseUpTimeout); self.mouseUpTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.callback(); }, 100); } e.stopPropagation(); }; // Let op deze events moeten geunbind worden! self.$document.mousemove(handle.mouseMove); self.$document.mouseup(handle.mouseUp); } for (let i = 0; i < self.handles.length; i += 1) { registerHandle(self.handles[i]); } return self; } InteractiveBox.prototype.unbind = function() { let self = this; clearTimeout(self.mouseUpTimeout); function unregisterHandle(handle) { self.$document.unbind('mousemove', handle.mouseMove); self.$document.unbind('mouseup', handle.mouseUp); handle.$e.remove(); // remove element from DOM } for (let i = 0; i < self.handles.length; i += 1) { unregisterHandle(self.handles[i]); } self.$container = null; self.$target = null; self.handles = null; }; module.exports = { InteractiveBox, handleResize_East, handleResize_SouthEast, handleResize_South, handleResize_SouthWest, handleResize_West, handleResize_NorthWest, handleResize_North, handleResize_NorthEast, handleDrag };
registerDragMove(element) { let self = this; let $e = $(element); let $dragHandle = $new('div', $e).addClass('jqHandle').addClass('jqDrag'); let $dragSE = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsSE'); let $dragS = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsS'); let $dragSW = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsSW'); let $dragW = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsW'); let $dragNW = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsNW'); let $dragN = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsN'); let $dragNE = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsNE'); let $dragE = $new('div', $e).addClass('sizeHandle').addClass('rsE'); let handles = []; handles.push({ $e: $dragHandle, move: jqDrag.handleDrag }); handles.push({ $e: $dragSE, move: jqDrag.handleResize_SouthEast }); handles.push({ $e: $dragS, move: jqDrag.handleResize_South }); handles.push({ $e: $dragSW, move: jqDrag.handleResize_SouthWest }); handles.push({ $e: $dragW, move: jqDrag.handleResize_West }); handles.push({ $e: $dragNW, move: jqDrag.handleResize_NorthWest }); handles.push({ $e: $dragN, move: jqDrag.handleResize_North }); handles.push({ $e: $dragNE, move: jqDrag.handleResize_NorthEast }); handles.push({ $e: $dragE, move: jqDrag.handleResize_East }); function callback() { let parentWidth = $e.parent().width(); let parentHeight = $e.parent().height(); let position = $e.position(); let selfWidth = $e.width(); let selfHeight = $e.height(); let percentageLeft = round100((position.left / parentWidth) * 100); let percentageTop = round100(( / parentHeight) * 100); let percentageWidth = round100((selfWidth / parentWidth) * 100); let percentageHeight = round100((selfHeight / parentHeight) * 100); if (self.layer) { self.applyLayerPosition(percentageLeft, percentageTop, percentageWidth, percentageHeight); } let $container = $('body'); self.interactiveBox = new jqDrag.InteractiveBox($e, handles, callback, $container); } unregisterDragMove() { let self = this; if (self.interactiveBox) { self.interactiveBox.unbind(); } if (self.$actions) { self.$actions.remove(); } } }
138700cookie-checkJQuery Drag Drop Interactive Box