(() => { function from(iterable) { return new IteratorWrapper(iterable); } function* map(iter, f) { for (let x of iter) { yield f(x); } } function* filter(iter, f) { for (let x of iter) { if (f(x)) yield x; } } function* take(iter, n) { let i = 0; for (let x of iter) { if (i++ < n) yield x; else break; } } class IteratorWrapper { constructor(iterable) { this.iter = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.iter; } map(f) { return from(map(this.iter, f)); } filter(f) { return from(filter(this.iter, f)); } take(n) { return from(take(this.iter, n)); } toArray() { return [...this.iter]; } } // Voorbeeld gebruik: const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const result = from(numbers) .map(x => x * 2) .filter(x => x > 5) .take(2) .toArray(); console.log(result); // [6, 8] })();
(() => { function from(iterable) { return new IteratorWrapper(iterable); } function* map(iter, f) { for (let x of iter) { yield f(x); } } function* filter(iter, f) { for (let x of iter) { if (f(x)) yield x; } } function* take(iter, n) { let i = 0; for (let x of iter) { if (i++ < n) yield x; else break; } } class IteratorWrapper { constructor(iterable) { this.iter = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.iter; } map(f) { return from(map(this.iter, f)); } filter(f) { return from(filter(this.iter, f)); } take(n) { return from(take(this.iter, n)); } first() { return this.iter?.next()?.value || undefined; } toArray() { return [...this.iter]; } } const dataStr = ["<div class=\"c-clients__contain\" id=\"jsClientsItemsHolder\">", "<a href=\"https://www.2foqus.nl/\" target=\"_BLANK\" class=\"c-clients__item\">", "<figure class=\"c-clients__figure\">", "\t\t\t\t<img src=\"https://tans.net/storage/1194/conversions/2foqus-2019-Identity-Logo-CMYK-1.2-(002)-logo.png\" alt=\"2Foqus\" class=\"c-clients__img\">", "\t\t</figure>", "</a>", "\t<a href=\"https://www.aartstoiletcabine.nl/\" target=\"_BLANK\" class=\"c-clients__item\">", "<figure class=\"c-clients__figure\">", "\t\t\t\t<img src=\"https://tans.net/storage/1163/conversions/Aarts-Sanitair-Service-logo.PNG\" alt=\"Aarts Sanitair Service\" class=\"c-clients__img\">", "\t\t</figure>", "</a>", "\t<a href=\"https://www.abrex.nl/\" target=\"_BLANK\" class=\"c-clients__item\">", "<figure class=\"c-clients__figure\">", "\t\t\t\t<img src=\"https://tans.net/storage/1107/conversions/Logo-Abrex-logo.png\" alt=\"Abrex Logistics B.V.\" class=\"c-clients__img\">", "\t\t</figure>", "</a>", "</div>\t"].join("\n"); const matches = (source, regex) => from(String(source || "").matchAll(regex)); const reLinks = /<a\s(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/gms; const reHref = /href="(.*?)"/gms; const reAlt = /<img\s.*?alt="(.*?)".*?>/gms; const items = matches(dataStr, reLinks) .map(x => { const [_, attrs, content] = x; return { alt: matches(content, reAlt).first()[1], href: matches(attrs, reHref).first()[1] }; }) .take(2) .toArray(); console.log(items); })();
(() => { function createIteratorWrapper(iterable) { const iter = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); // Haal de iterator op van het meegegeven iterable object return { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iter; }, map(f) { return createIteratorWrapper(function* () { for (let x of iter) { yield f(x); } }()); }, filter(predicate) { return createIteratorWrapper(function* () { for (let x of iter) { if (predicate(x)) yield x; } }()); }, take(n) { return createIteratorWrapper(function* () { let i = 0; for (let x of iter) { if (i++ < n) yield x; else break; } }()); }, toArray() { return [...iter]; } }; } // Voorbeeld gebruik: const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const iter = createIteratorWrapper(numbers); const result = iter .map(x => x * 2) .filter(x => x > 5) .take(2) .toArray(); console.log(result); // [6, 8] })();
885400cookie-checkJavascript IteratorWrapper