const repeat = (char, length) => Array(length + 1).join(char); // padleft function ljust(string, width, padding = " ") { padding = padding.slice(0, 1); if (string.length < width) return string + repeat(padding, width - string.length); else return string; } // padright function rjust(string, width, padding = " ") { padding = padding.slice(0, 1); if (string.length < width) return repeat(padding, width - string.length) + string; else return string; } // padcenter function center(string, width, padding = " ") { padding = padding.slice(0, 1); if (string.length < width) { const len = width - string.length; const remain = (len % 2 == 0) ? "" : padding; const pads = repeat(padding, parseInt(len / 2)); return pads + string + pads + remain; } else return string; } const ALIGN = { LEFT: 0, CENTER: 1, RIGHT: 2 }; const mergeLine = (line, newLineData) => { let newStr = ""; for (let i = 0; i < newLineData.length; i += 1) { if (newLineData[i] != ' ') { newStr += newLineData[i] || ' '; } else { newStr += line[i] || ' '; } } return newStr; }; const emulatePrintBon = printerCommands => { // printer character width const bonCharWidth = 42; // remove newline characters const printerText = printerCommands.replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' '); // split on new line command const commands = printerText.split('\x1B|N'); // regex om op printer commando te splitten const regExCmd = /\x1B\|?([a-z0-9]*)([^\x1B]*)/gi; const output = []; let line = null; // loop langs de printer regels for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i += 1) { const command = commands[i]; // add current line to output if (line) { output.push(line); } // and start with a new empty line line = repeat(' ', bonCharWidth); // reset command options let align = ALIGN.LEFT; let bold = false; // loop langs alle commando's while (match = regExCmd.exec(command)) { const cmd = match[1]; const text = (`${match[2]}`).trim(); if (cmd) { switch (cmd) { case 'lA': align = ALIGN.LEFT; break; case 'rA': align = ALIGN.RIGHT; break; case 'cA': align = ALIGN.CENTER; break; case '1B': // begin bon? break; case 'fP': // fP (einde bon of knip bon?) break; case '2C': //? break; case 'bC': bold = true; break; } } if (text != '') { let newLinePart = ''; if (align === ALIGN.CENTER) { newLinePart = center(text, bonCharWidth); } else if (align === ALIGN.RIGHT) { newLinePart = rjust(text, bonCharWidth); } else { newLinePart = ljust(text, bonCharWidth); } line = mergeLine(line, newLinePart) } } } if (line) { output.push(line); // push last line } console.log(output.join('\n')); //return output; }; const generateTestBon = () => { const filiaaladres = 'Street'; const filiaalpostcode = '1234AB'; const filiaalplaats = 'Rotterdam'; const filiaaltelnr = '123-4567890'; const filiaalemail = ''; const input = [ '\x1B' + '|1B', '\x1B' + '|lA ' + 'li' + '\n', `\x1B|cA ${filiaaladres}\n`, '\x1B' + '|rA ' + 're' + '\n', `\x1B|N\x1B|cA ${filiaalpostcode} ${filiaalplaats}\n`, `\x1B|N\x1B|cA Tel:${filiaaltelnr} ${filiaalemail}\n\n` ]; // const tmp = CCPrinterInfo.split("#"); // // for( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { // if( i == 0 ){ // input.push('\x1B' +'__________________________________________\n'); // } else { // if( (tmp[i] != '') && (tmp[i].search("----") == -1 ) ) // input.push('\x1B'+'|N'+tmp[i]+'\n'); // } // } // // if( tmp.length == 1 ) { // input.push('\x1B' +'Bon niet beschikbaar!\n'); // } input.push('\x1B' + '__________________________________________\n'); input.push('\x1B' + '|fP'); return input.join(''); }; emulatePrintBon(generateTestBon());
li Street re 1234AB Rotterdam __________________________________________
73600cookie-checkJavascript Epson label printer emulator