obj[Symbol.iterator] // a function that returns an Iterator 'instance' obj[Symbol.iterator]() // Iterator // an iterator is an object with an method: // .next() that returns { value: any, done: boolean} { next: () => ({ value: 1, done: false}) } // generators return an Iterator function* range(from, to) { let i = from; while (i <= to) { yield i; i++; } } const a = { [Symbol.iterator]: () => range(0, 10) }; for (const item of a) console.log(item); (()=>{ function* iterator(iterable) { for(const item of iterable) yield item; } const x = ['a', 'b']; const y = ['c', 'd']; console.log(x.concat(y)); const b = { [Symbol.iterator]: () => iterator(x.concat(y)) }; for (const item of b) console.log(item); })();
const myFavouriteAuthors = { allAuthors: { fiction: [ 'Agatha Christie', 'J. K. Rowling', 'Dr. Seuss' ], scienceFiction: [ 'Neal Stephenson', 'Arthur Clarke', 'Isaac Asimov', 'Robert Heinlein' ], fantasy: [ 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'J. K. Rowling', 'Terry Pratchett' ], }, [Symbol.iterator]() { // Get all the authors in an array const genres = Object.values(this.allAuthors); // Store the current genre and author index let currentAuthorIndex = 0; let currentGenreIndex = 0; return { // Implementation of next() next() { // authors according to current genre index const authors = genres[currentGenreIndex]; // doNotHaveMoreAuthors is true when the authors array is exhausted. // That is, all items are consumed. const doNothaveMoreAuthors = !(currentAuthorIndex < authors.length); if (doNothaveMoreAuthors) { // When that happens, we move the genre index to the next genre currentGenreIndex++; // and reset the author index to 0 again to get new set of authors currentAuthorIndex = 0; } // if all genres are over, then we need tell the iterator that we // can not give more values. const doNotHaveMoreGenres = !(currentGenreIndex < genres.length); if (doNotHaveMoreGenres) { // Hence, we return done as true. return { value: undefined, done: true }; } // if everything is correct, return the author from the // current genre and incerement the currentAuthorindex // so next time, the next author can be returned. return { value: genres[currentGenreIndex][currentAuthorIndex++], done: false } } }; } }; for (const author of myFavouriteAuthors) { console.log(author); } console.log(...myFavouriteAuthors)
329200cookie-checkJavascript create an iterator