-- Current sql context info select current_server server, current_schema schema, user user, current_path path, current_date date, current_time time, current_timezone timezone from sysibm.sysdummy1; -- Show catalog (collections) select * from QSYS2.SYSCATALOGS; -- Show schemas (databases) select * from QSYS2.SYSSCHEMAS; -- Show table info of a schema (tables) select * from qsys2.systables where table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA -- Show column info of a table (columns) select COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TEXT, DATA_TYPE, LENGTH, IS_NULLABLE from QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS sc where sc.TABLE_SCHEMA = CURRENT_SCHEMA and sc.TABLE_NAME = 'R12C' ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME -- Show Primary/Foreign keys (constraints) SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSKEYCST WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = CURRENT_SCHEMA SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSCST WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = 'MYTABLE' -- Show Primary/Foreign keys (constraints) with column info SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSCSTCOL WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = 'MYTABLE' -- Show view definition of a view SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM QSYS2.SYSVIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'V_R12C' and TABLE_SCHEMA = CURRENT_SCHEMA -- Create a view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW V_INCOTERM AS SELECT * FROM QS36F.R12C -- Drop view -- DROP VIEW QS36F.R12C -- RUN a native iSeries command CALL QSYS2.qcmdexc('CHKPWD PASSWORD(JOHNJONES)') -- Get program info select * FROM QSYS2.PROGRAM_INFO WHERE PROGRAM_NAME LIKE 'AMS%' LIMIT 20 SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSPROGRAMSTAT -- return table with static/dynamic values VALUES 1, 2, 3, 4 select * from table(VALUES 1, 2, 3, 4) VALUES varchar(get_clob_from_file('test.txt'), 1000) -- Using (global) variables -- Session scope: Global variables have a session scope. -- This means that although they are available to all sessions that are active on the database, their value is private for each session. -- create CREATE OR REPLACE VARIABLE QS36F.PARAM_P2 CHAR(435); -- set variable value SET QS36F.PARAM_P2 = 'TEST'; -- show variable value VALUES (QS36F.PARAM_P2) -- list all variables (variable system table) SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSVARS -- Drop variable DROP VARIABLE QS36F.PARAM_P2; DROP VARIABLE IF EXISTS QS36F.PARAM_P2; -- query/show all variables SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSVARIABLES SELECT 'DROP VARIABLE ' || v.VARIABLE_SCHEMA || '.' || v.VARIABLE_NAME || ';' FROM QSYS2.SYSVARIABLES v WHERE v.VARIABLE_OWNER = 'ME' -- from: https://www.rpgpgm.com/2016/05/global-variables-way-to-share-data-in.html -- with a system name CREATE VARIABLE MYLIB/GLOBALVAR1 FOR SYSTEM NAME GLBLVAR001 CHAR(30) SELECT * FROM (VALUES(MYLIB.GLOBALVAR1)) VARIABLES(VAR1)
Source: https://itpscan.ca/blog/iSeries/sql2.php
SYSCOLUMNSTAT Information about column statistics with some interesting usage and deletion statistics SYSINDEXES Information about indexes SYSPACKAGE Information about packages in the SQL schema. Packages are control-structure database objects that contain executable forms of SQL statements SYSSEQUENCES Information about sequences. Information about columns that use "GENERATED AS IDENTITY" clause SYSTABLEDEP Information about materialized query table dependencies SYSTABLEINDEXSTAT Information about table index statistics SYSTABLESTAT Information about table statistics SYSTYPES Information about built-in data types and distinct types SYSJARCONTENTS Information about jars for Java™ routines. SYSJAROBJECTS Information about jars for Java routines. SYSPARMS Information about routine parameters * Views and Indexes SYSVIEWS Information about definition of a view SYSVIEWDEP Information about view dependencies on tables SYSINDEXES List of all Indexes SYSINDEXSTAT Statistics of the Indexes * Triggers SYSTRIGCOL Information about columns used in a trigger SYSTRIGDEP Information about objects used in a trigger SYSTRIGGERS Information about triggers SYSTRIGUPD Information about columns in the WHEN clause of a trigger * Constraints SYSCST Information about all constraints SYSCHKCST Information about check constraints SYSCSTCOL Information about the columns referenced in a constraint SYSCSTDEP Information about constraint dependencies on tables SYSREFCST Information about referential constraints SYSKEYCST Information about unique, primary, and foreign keys SYSKEYS Information about index keys SYSFOREIGNKEYS Information about foreign keys * Procedures and User defined functions SYSPROCS Information about procedures SYSROUTINES Information about functions and procedures SYSROUTINEDEP Information about function and procedure dependencies SYSFUNCS Information about user-defined functions * Statistics SYSPARTITIONINDEXSTAT Information about partition index statistics SYSPARTITIONSTAT Information about partition statistics
14200cookie-checkiSeries: Queries to explore the unknown