HTML 5 clipboard copy/paste

Date: 2020-01-15

// Older, synchronous API:

document.addEventListener('cut/copy/paste', listener)
//    An event fired when the user invoked the particular clipboard operation (either cut, copy or paste).
event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', data)
//    Sets the data that is to be written to the clipboard by the cut or copy operations in the specified format.
//    Returns the data that has been read from the clipboard by the paste operation in the specified format.
//    Programatically invokes the specified clipboard operation (either cut, copy or paste) on the data or element currently having a focus.

// Newer, asynchronous API:

//    Writes the data to the clipboard. Returns a Promise resolved when the operation has succeeded.
//    Returns a Promise resolved with the data read from the clipboard. 
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