C# TryAgain

Date: 2021-09-28

For the methods that at random do not work

public static T RunSync<T>(Func<Task<T>> fn) => Task.Run(fn).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

public static T TryAgain<T>(Func<Task<T>> action, int count = 3)
	Exception lastException = null;
	while(count > 0)
			var result = RunSync(async () => await action());
			return result;
		catch (Exception ex) 
			lastException = ex;
		Thread.Sleep(200); // This can be adjusted at will
		count -= 1;
	throw lastException;

// Example usage:

var prodOrder = TryAgain(async () =>
	// next line works like a traffic light
	prodOrder = await api.Query<ProductionOrder>(x => x.id == id);
	if (prodOrder == null)
		throw new Exception("Production order not found!");
	return prodOrder;
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