New solution + Classlib Project + Testproject
$AppName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your project (folder) name' $TargetFolder="$AppName" Write-Host "Creating a new project '$AppName' in '$TargetFolder'" $confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]" if ($confirmation -ne 'y') { Write-Host "Closing.." Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Exit } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $TargetFolder Push-Location $TargetFolder git init # solution dotnet new sln -n $AppName dotnet new gitignore dotnet new globaljson dotnet new nugetconfig dotnet new classlib -n $AppName dotnet sln add $AppName # unit test project $TestProject = "$AppName.Tests"; dotnet new nunit -n $TestProject dotnet add $TestProject package NSubstitute dotnet sln add $TestProject dotnet add $TestProject reference $AppName
New WebApi solution with database adapters
$AppName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your project (folder) name' $TargetFolder="./$AppName" $AppNameTitleCase = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($AppName) #$path = Get-Location #$newPath = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $TargetFolder Write-Host "Creating a new project '$AppNameTitleCase' in '$TargetFolder'" $confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]" if ($confirmation -ne 'y') { Write-Host "Closing.." Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Exit } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $TargetFolder Push-Location $TargetFolder # pick what you need: # init git git init # solution dotnet new sln -n $AppNameTitleCase dotnet new gitignore dotnet new globaljson dotnet new nugetconfig # domain project dotnet new classlib -n Domain dotnet sln add Domain # unit test project dotnet new nunit -n Domain.Tests dotnet add Domain.Tests package NSubstitute dotnet sln add Domain.Tests dotnet add Domain.Tests reference Domain # adapter project(s) dotnet new classlib -n LicenseDbAdapter dotnet sln add LicenseDbAdapter dotnet add LicenseDbAdapter reference Domain dotnet new classlib -n DbAdapter dotnet sln add DbAdapter dotnet add DbAdapter reference Domain # wiring project dotnet new classlib -n Wiring dotnet sln add Wiring dotnet add Wiring reference Domain dotnet add Wiring reference LicenseDbAdapter dotnet add Wiring reference DbAdapter # use webapi and/or console # webapi project dotnet new webapi -n WebApi dotnet sln add WebApi dotnet add WebApi reference Domain dotnet add WebApi reference Wiring # console project #dotnet new console -n ConsoleApp #dotnet sln add ConsoleApp #dotnet add ConsoleApp reference Domain #dotnet add ConsoleApp reference Wiring Pop-Location # # copy content files # Copy-Item -Path "files/AssemblyInfo.cs" -Destination "$TargetFolder/Domain" # Copy-Item -Path "files/DomainPorts.cs" -Destination "$TargetFolder/Domain" # Copy-Item -Path "files/IAdapterResolver.cs" -Destination "$TargetFolder/Domain" # Copy-Item -Path "files/Wiring.cs" -Destination "$TargetFolder/Wiring" # # remove unused files # Remove-Item "$TargetFolder/Domain/Class1.cs" -ErrorAction Ignore # Remove-Item "$TargetFolder/Domain.Tests/Class1.cs" -ErrorAction Ignore # Remove-Item "$TargetFolder/Adapters/Class1.cs" -ErrorAction Ignore # Remove-Item "$TargetFolder/Wiring/Class1.cs" -ErrorAction Ignore #if (Test-Path $FileName) #{ # Remove-Item $FileName #} Write-Host "Finished"
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