DevExpress Report Style binding

Date: 2021-11-16

First add styles to the report:

Add the databinding to the report (eg in beforeprint) for the detail band

// XPO Object
public class SampleAnalysisItem : XPCustomObject
	public string ReportStyleName => IsOffSpec ? "xrControlStyleOffspec" : "xrControlStyleNormal";

public class CustomReport : DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport
	public CustomReport()
		BeforePrint += CustomReport_BeforePrint;
		// set the datasource
		DataSource = new List<SampleAnalysisItem>();

	private void CustomReport_BeforePrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
		if (GetCurrentRow() is SampleAnalysis obj)
			xrTableRow10.DataBindings.Add("StyleName", DataSource, nameof(SampleAnalysisItem.ReportStyleName));
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